Friday, September 26, 2008

Posted 2 pictures from 2005 quilt show....more to come!
I posted some picutures of my friends. More pictures on the way!

Counting Days

I cannot wait. I think everyday about getting ready, what to wear; Deb has a new outfit..."bus wear"...looking sharp and comfort without wrinkles, new shoes....me, I bought some new crocs for walking. I have been thinking about my red, white and blue for our picture in DC. I know Deb has finished the block...she probably turned hers in on time...not me....I just finished it and I am going to take a picture and try to post it....keep your fingers crossed! Google makes it so easy. I am also preparing a quiz for those of us who are traveling and those of you at home can take about the trip. I promise, it will be multiple choice...no essay questions!!!

Once I post the blog, I hope you join in and share your thoughts. It will be hard for all of us on the trip to post b/c we will be quilting and talking and talking and quilting and buying and did I mention talking about quilting? So even if we cannot write/read every night, you can stay in touch with us by writing to us!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Welcome to our quilt trip blog. We are leaving on Tuesday Oct 7 and returning Oct 11. By the title you can tell we are traveling to DC. Our trip planners, Geri, Liz, Jennifer and Jan have worked hard to plan a great trip. You can read the comments that we post along the way and enjoy our trip...even if you cannot be with us. As you read and post comments, please do not reveal any last names or give detailed location/travel or date info.

Which stop is the hometown of Don Knotts?

Which town is called "Town of Motels"?

Which city is the "popcorn capital of the world"?